1. The customer shall confirm to have received all the necessary information before making a booking. The customer shall confirm to have read these General Conditions before making a booking.

2. All transactions between SEGWAY BRUGGE and the customer shall be subject to these General Conditions. By making a booking, the customer acknowledges to have read the content of these conditions, and to understand and accept them. These conditions shall lawfully prevail over any of the customer’s purchase or other conditions, even if these stipulate that they are the only conditions that apply. Any nullification of one or more provisos from these general conditions shall not prejudice the applicability of the other clauses. Segway Brugge shall retain the right to amend the provisions of these General Conditions.

3. Any of Segway Brugge's offers or price lists shall be indicative and entirely free of engagement at all times. A quote created for a specific customer has a validity of thirty (30) calendar days, unless otherwise indicated on the quote. A quote shall only apply to a specific assignment and shall not, therefore, automatically apply to any subsequent assignments.

4. A booking made by a customer shall not take effect until a booking fee that equals 100% of the specified rent per piece of equipment (hereinafter the “the booking fee”) has been paid to Segway Brugge. Upon receipt of the booking fee by Segway Brugge, the customer shall receive a booking voucher. The latter will not form a lease, but merely a report of the application of rental services by the customer and a receipt for the amount paid by the customer. The booking fee shall be reduced from the final settlement or any other amounts payable to Segway Brugge when the final payment is made.  The booking voucher does not, however, form an agreement between the customer and Segway Brugge which requires the latter to provide rental services. A final lease shall not be drawn up until the customer has handed his booking voucher to Segway Brugge. Any changes or additions to this lease shall be valid upon the written agreement of both parties only. When an agreement is drawn up, it will stipulate the customer’s rights and responsibilities, and the party signing this agreement shall be held severally liable for all obligations pursuant to the agreement.

5. Cancellation or amendment of the booking by the customer can only be done in writing (by letter, fax or e-mail). As a result of cancellation or amendment to the booking, Segway Brugge shall be entitled to charge the following amounts, unless expressly agreed otherwise:

a) in the event of cancellation/amendment more than 6 weeks prior to the time when Segway Brugge's rental services were due to commence, 10% of the specified rental fee for each of the cancelled pieces of equipment;

b) in the event of cancellation/amendment between 6 and 4 weeks prior, 20 % of the specified rental fee for each of the cancelled pieces of equipment;

c) in the event of cancellation/ amendment between 4 and 2 weeks prior, 40 % of the specified rental fee for each of the cancelled pieces of equipment;

d) in the event of cancellation/amendment between 2 weeks and 7 days weeks prior, 60 % of the specified rental fee for each of the cancelled pieces of equipment;

e) in the event of cancellation/amendment between 7 and 3 days weeks prior, 90 % of the specified rental fee for each of the cancelled pieces of equipment;

f) in the event of cancellation/amendment less than three days weeks prior, 100% of the specified rental fee for each of the cancelled pieces of equipment.

In the event of force majeure, Segway Brugge may waive the obligations ‘vis-à-vis’ the customer. Force majeure shall be any circumstance outside of Segway Brugge will, as a result of which Segway Brugge is prevented, either wholly or in part, from observing its obligations ‘vis-à-vis’ the other party. Such circumstances shall include strikes, fires, exceptional weather conditions such as snow/rain/hail/wind and other  operational disruptions, as well as the untimely delivery, or absence thereof, by suppliers or other third parties involved. In the event of force majeure that prevents the booked activity from taking place, Segway Brugge shall immediately refund the paid booking fee.

6. The customer acknowledges  to have received rented pieces of equipment in a good state of repair without any visible defects. The customer commits to returning the piece of equipment in the same state of repair, barring any normal wear and tear, by the date and at the place specified in the agreement, unless the customer has applied for an extension of the lease period and this extension has been granted.

7. The customer shall commit to using the pieces of equipment with the care of a prudent man, in accordance with their intended use and all the prevailing lawful obligations, government regulations and manufacturer instructions. The customer shall be liable for any fines, taxes or reimbursements as a result of infringements in the broadest sense of the word to the body establishing or issuing the same. In addition, Segway Brugge shall charge the customer an administrative fee of EUR 30 per fine, tax or reimbursement incurred. The customer shall also commit to taking any useful measures to prevent the incorrect, unlawful or non-contractual use of the piece of equipment either by the customer himself or by third parties (by, inter alia, locking the piece of equipment away at night). It is prohibited to sub-let the pieces of equipment, or transport them abroad for that matter, without Segway Brugge's written agreement. The customer shall report any defects or deficiencies to the pieces of equipment to Segway Brugge without delay. If it transpires that the piece of equipment needs to be repaired while underway, then this should be entrusted to Segway Brugge. If this proves impossible, then the customer shall entrust any repair activities to a third party, but not until it has received Moment’s written agreement. Any repair activity carried out without Segway Brugge's express agreement shall be exclusively at the expense of the customer, except for any urgent interventions that protect the piece of equipment in the case of fire, for example.

8. Each driver of a vehicle must have undergone brief driving proficiency training. Segway Brugge retains the right to refuse to hand over a piece of equipment to a driver who is incapable of carrying the responsibility of a piece of equipment entrusted to them, without owing to the customer any form of damages. The above also applies when a driver is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, medication or any other substances that prejudice normal levels of consciousness or reaction powers. By accepting the piece of equipment following driving proficiency training, the driver shall declare to be sufficiently capable of operating the piece of equipment and to have understood the issued instructions/initiation. Segway Brugge retains the right to reclaim a piece of equipment at any time and without prior warning should the customer infringe on any provision of the agreement.

9. Any damage incurred to the pieces of equipment during the lease period, irrespective of the cause or circumstances, shall be at the customer’s expense. Segway Brugge cannot under any circumstances be made liable for the damage, except when this is the result of intent or gross neglect on the part of Segway Brugge. Segway Brugge shall never be liable for indirect damage, including consequential loss, for example. The customer shall safeguard Segway Brugge against third-party claims on the basis of damage incurred during the lease period by third parties as a result of the customer using the piece of equipment.

10. Unless otherwise stipulated, all invoices issued by Segway Brugge shall be immediately payable in cash by the specified due date.  Every invoice that has not been paid by the due date shall be increased lawfully and without prior notice by a fixed penalty that equals 15% of the total invoice amount, with a minimum of EUR 50. Moreover, every invoice that has not been settled by the due date shall lawfully and without any prior notice incur a delay interest of 1% per month, until such time as the total amount has been paid, without prejudice to the payment of the above-mentioned penalty to Segway Brugge.

11. Segway Brugge may include personal data issued by the customer in an automated database. This data will be used with a view to conducting information or promotional campaigns in connection with services and/or products provided by Segway Brugge in the framework of the contractual relationship between the customer and Segway Brugge. The customer may ask for their details to be communicated and improved at all times and free of charge.  If the customer no longer wishes to receive commercial information from Segway Brugge, the customer shall be required to inform Segway Brugge thereof.

12. Any disputes arising from these general conditions or any other agreement concluded between Segway Brugge and the customer shall be settled by the courts of the Bruges district only. Belgian legislation shall apply.
ATTENTION : un Segway coûte ± € 7800 → nous ne sommes pas responsables pour des accidents! Conduisez votre Segway de façon raisonnable et suivez les instructions de sécurité suivantes, de sorte que vous et votre compagnie puissent jouir d’une expérience Segway inoubliable! 








  • Quand la colonne de direction commence à vous serrer, ça signifie que le contrôleur de vitesse a été activé. Dans ce cas, il faut informer le guide et freiner légèrement, de sorte que vous obtenez de nouveau plus d’espace entre vous et la colonne de direction.

    Le Segway vous avertira de deux façons différentes quand un problème se pose : 

    La colonne de direction se met à vibrer,  ou le Segway commence à bipper. Dans les deux cas, il faut freiner légèrement en mettant son équilibre en arrière, et informer le guide. 

    Le soussigné déclare :

    • D’avoir lues, comprises et acceptées les instructions de sécurité.

    • D’avoir fait l’activité Segway à ses propres risques et périls.

    • D’être informé sur la disponibilité gratuite de casques.

    • D’avoir comprises et suivies les instructions du guide, et d’être capable de conduire un Segway en toute sécurité.

    • Que l’organisation Segway Brugge n’est pas responsable pour tout dommage causé pendant le tour. 

    • D’être entièrement responsable de tout dommage ou préjudice causé à tiers pendant la période de location de l'appareil. Malgré le fait que le conducteur de l'appareil est assuré pour cette responsabilité par une assurance prise par l'organisation de Segway Bruges City Tours, le conducteur paiera une indemnité finale de € 150 à l'organisation (sans que ce montant ne dépasse la rémunération versée). Ce montant correspond à la franchise dans la police d'assurance assurée par l'organisation de Segway Brugge City Tours.

    La location des appareils Segway est toujours sous surveillance, sauf indication contraire.

    En signant ce document, vous confirmez votre connaissance des conditions générales au verso (en anglais) et vous les acceptez.

    • Jusqu’à 24 heures avant le début du tour, il est possible de déplacer sans frais votre réservation vers un autre moment, ceci suivant les disponibilités. Si votre réservation ne peut pas être reporté, on fera un remboursement avec déduction de €25,00 pour les fraits d’administration, du réservation et du personnel prévu.

    • Si vous annulez moins de 24 heures au préalable et que la réservation ne peut pas avoir lieu, un remboursement est effectué, moyennant retenue de € 25,00 de frais d’administration, de facturation et de personnel. 

    • Le remboursement se fait sur le numéro de compte avec lequel le paiement en ligne a été effectué. 

    • Toute annulation est uniquement possible par écrit à info@segwaybrugge.be et n’est valable que lorsque vous recevez une confirmation à ce propos.  

    • En cas de « non-présentation », au moins € 50,00 seront facturés.

    Au maximum 20 personnes peuvent participer à un tour. Si le groupe est plus grand, il est possible de le scinder et de combiner le tour en Segway avec une autre activité comme un tour en calèche, une promenade en bateau sur les canaux de Bruges, une visite de brasserie, … Veuillez nous contacter pour discuter des possibilités.

    En général, nous stipulons que les enfants à partir de 12 ans et avec un poids minimum de 35 kg peuvent participer à un tour en Segway. Pour les enfants de moins de 16 ans, le port d’un casque est obligatoire. Quel que soit l’âge, les enfants doivent être suffisamment mûrs pour conduire le Segway. Ils se trouveront sur la voie publique avec tous les risques quotidiens que cela comporte: trafic, bruit, distraction, autres utilisateurs de la route, … Conduire un Segway est totalement différent de rouler à vélo.

    Pour bien pouvoir conduire un Segway, il faut peser au moins 35 kilos et au plus 110 kilos.

    Le port d’une veste de sécurité fluorescente est obligatoire. Nous en tenons à disposition et vous les recevez à l’arrivée au magasin Segway. Le port d’un casque est uniquement obligatoire pour les enfants de moins de 16 ans. Si vous avez 16 ou plus, vous pouvez opter de porter ou non un casque. Nous en tenons également à disposition dans notre magasin.

    Ce n’est pas possible. Le fonctionnement de Segway Brugge est lié à un permis, remis par la ville de Bruges. Celle-ci impose comme une des conditions qu’il est obligatoire d’effectuer toujours un tour sous accompagnement. Il n’est donc pas possible de se balader sans guide.

    Réserver n’est pas obligatoire, bien que cela soit conseillé. Sans réservation, il se peut que vous deviez vous joindre à un groupe existant et ceci suivant les disponibilités. Il peut donc arriver que vous ne puissiez pas participer au moment souhaité à un tour. En cas de ‘non réservation’, nous travaillons toujours selon le principe du ‘premier arrivé, premier servi’.

    Pour des groupes (à partir de 7 personnes) il est obligatoire de réserver au préalable par courriel adressé à info@segwaybrugge.be ou téléphoniquement au +32 495/ 90 60 60.